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martedì 8 dicembre 2009

Dollar $ operator in Haskell

Do you know what is $ operator in Haskell?
$ means simply , 'apply the left function at the right value'.

f $ x := f x

it seems really trivial, isn't it ?
But, for example in this kind of situation, is really usefull:

zipWith ( $ ) ( cycle [ \x -> div (x + 1) 2 , \x -> div x 2 ] ) [1..]

here you have a infinite list of function:

a = cycle [ \x -> div (x + 1) 2 , \x -> div x 2 ]
( ie: [\x -> div (x + 1) 2 , \x -> div x 2 , \x -> div (x + 1) 2 , \x -> div x 2, ... ] )

and you want to apply every element of the list at the element
at the same index in the second list:

b = [1..]

zipWith, for every index i takes the element a(i) of the left list
and b(i) of the right list and execute what is requested inside the parentheses.
In this situation is specified $ so:

a(i) $ b(i ) := a(i) ( b(i) )

the result must be the following:

[ 1 ,1 , 2, 2 , 3 ,3 ... and so on.

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