Another little Rebol program:
REBOL [Title: "Ricerca"]
mainWin: layout [
banner green "Ricerca Parola" box brick 580x2
text "Parola da cercare"
infi1: field infi2: field ""
text "nome file"
selFile: text-list data read %. [
infi2/data: value
infi2/text: value
show infi2
button "Ricerca" [
fil1: to-file infi2/data
text: read fil1
outOne: copy ""
while [ text: find text infi1/data ] [
formattedStuff: reduce [ " ( " index? text " ) " copy/part text 10 ]
append outOne "^/ ( indice ) riga: "
append outOne form formattedStuff
text: next text
tuno/text: form outOne show tuno
at 260x70
tuno: area 340x300 across
text "Risultato"
windowHelp: layout [
backcolor linen
h2 "Help Window"
text 300 { Inserisci la parola da ricercare e il nome del file...
button "Chiudimi" [ unview/only windowHelp ]
windowHelp/offset: mainWin/offset + (mainWin/size * 1x0) + 10x0
view/new mainWin
view/new windowHelp
2 commenti:
Can't make it work (I use latest version of rebol).
could you explain better the problem?
i've rerun the file rebTest.r and with my REBOL/view 2.7.6 it works
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