Images, snippets, snapshots, math

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giovedì 20 agosto 2009

re: Mandelbrot Set in Haskell

import Data.Complex

conv p=(\n->".,:;|!([$O0*%#@?"!!(n-1))(ceiling (p*8)::Int)
--px w=magnitude(foldl1(\z c ->z^2 +c)(replicate 10 w))
px w=(magnitude.last.take 10.takeWhile(\r->(magnitude r )<6).iterate(\z->z^2+w))w
image=map((map(\el->case(px el<2)of{true->conv(px el);_->' '})))gr
main=mapM_ putStrLn image

mandelbrot haskell ascii-art

Mandelbrot set in Haskell

import Data.Complex
gr = map(\y-> [( x:+y )|x<-[-3,-2.95..1]])[-2,-1.9..2]
px (a:+b) = magnitude(foldl (\z c ->z^2+c) 0 (take 10([((a*x):+b)|x<-[1,1..]])))
image = map((map(\el->case(px el<2)of{true->'*';_ ->'-'})))gr
main = mapM_ putStrLn ( (map(\el->show el) )image )

A first interpretation ( a little bit unsatisfactory ) of the Mandelbrot set in Haskell

martedì 18 agosto 2009

Numbers in Haskell

The core of numbers post in Haskell:

idens p q x = case ( rem ( x ^ 2 ) p ) of { 1 -> 1 ; _ -> 0 }
numList p x = map ( idens p x ) ( map ( x * ) [ 1..( p-1 ) ] )
matIde p = map ( numList p ) [ 1..(p-1) ]

domenica 16 agosto 2009

The Path of St. Augustine

The Path of St. Augustine
Here you can find info about "Il Cammino di Sant'Agostino ( The Path of St. Augustine )" in Italy.

Dungeon ( Quinta da Regaleira - Portugal )

Quinta da Regaleira

Quinta da Regaleira

( Mystic Cristina )